Sunday, October 19, 2008


Thursday, June 12, 2008

9 year old ON FIRE!!!

Friday, May 9, 2008

O, Oprah!

I was so very disappointed to see this clip.  I do happen to be a pretty avid watcher of her show, not saying that that would change, but we must be aware of who we are receiving counsel from.  This is sad, but it just adds yet another person onto my prayer list.  Let us all pray that O's heart will be softened to the Word of God and that she DOES receive salvation through THE ONLY WAY...JESUS!!!  I wanted to share this with you all.

Thursday, May 8, 2008

Check Out Carol's Daughter

Saturday, February 23, 2008

When Parents Get Discouraged...

Keep the schedule simple.

Get plenty of rest.

Eat nutritious meals.

Stay on your knees.

-Dr. James Dobson 
from "Parenting Isn't For Cowards"

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Happy Valentine's Day!

Building A Marriage of Faith

Commitment 1
I commit to personally grow in Christ for the rest of my life.
Drawing closer to God in your marriage begins with your personal relationship with Him alone.

Commitment 2
I commit to our marriage for life and to work to solve all problems that arise.
Problems come, but when you face them with the goal and confidence of resolution, you can grow closer together in the process.

Commitment 3
I commit to be faithful to my spouse in both mind and action.
Trust develops and problems are avoided when you decide, "My spouse is the only one I will allow myself to think about in this way."

Commitment 4
I commit to communicate - no matter what.
Even when you'd rather do anything else, decide when and how you will talk through difficult issues.

Commitment 5
I commit to be a servant to my spouse.
Be willing to serve each other in thoughts and actions that promote mutual dependence and appreciation.

-Charles Swindoll

How to Love Your Husband

1.  Pray for him daily.
2.  Speak words of kindness.
3.  Give him an unexpected gift.
4.  Thank him for something good he has done.
5.  Praise him for one of his good character qualities.
6.  Be humble enough to confess your own failures.
7.  Reaffirm your commitment to him.
8.  Initiate a special time of lovemaking with him.
9.  Spend time with him doing something he likes to do.
10.  Obey God and let your husband see Christ in you.

-Martha Peace
Condensed from "The Excellent Wife" (I do recommend this book.  It is a great read.)

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Can Time Be Managed?

"The challenge is not to manage time,
but to manage ourselves."

-Steven Covey

Monday, February 11, 2008

What Organization Is

"Organization is making your life work for you
by bringing the dailiness of life under control
through yielding to the Holy Spirit
concerning the wise use of your time."

-Marilyn Rockett

Friday, February 8, 2008

How to Listen to God!


-Charles Stanley
from "How to Listen to God"

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Assessment Results

Last year I asked four of my closest friends to do an honest appraisal of me.  That in itself was daring enough.  I love my girls dearly, but you never know how others see you.  After receiving their assessments it was amazing how for the most part they all paralleled each other.  Of course the most in depth response was from my girl Timmika with a listing of at least 20 attributes.  LOL!    Here's a list of the comprised results which were surprisingly analogous.  All in all, I believe it sums up who Nikky is - PERIOD.

  1. Spiritual, God Warrior
  2. Good mother, Family
  3. Creative
  4. Caring, Loving
  5. Giving, Big Heart, Self-less
  6. Friend, Sister, Counselor
  7. Listener
  8. Strong, Resilient, Endurance
  9. Informed & Informative, Wisdom, Teacher
  10. Avid reader, Books! Books Books!
  11. Calm, Peaceful, Quiet, Shy
  12. Smile, Infectious laugh, Funny
  13. Honest, Straight-forward
I thought you all (especially the Fab Four) would like to know what became of that little request.  I love ya'll!  Where would I be and who would I be if I did not have you girls in my life.   Thank you Keisha, Omeshia, Shanea, and Timmika (ya'll know I had to do the alpha order thing).  I love you all equally though you each play a different role in my life.  Thank you Lord for faithful friends.

Monday, February 4, 2008

Inspiration at its Best!

I cannot say enough how I have been so uplifted and inspired by a few women via the Internet, podcasting, and reading.  I must share with you all.

  1. Valorie Burton - TOTAL INSPIRATION!  Nuff said!  Check her out @  
  2. Beth Moore - TOTAL HOPE!  One word from this little powerhouse of a woman will leave you feeling stress free and able to do above and beyond anything that you've ever done before.  Check her out @
  3. FlyLady - TOTAL ORDER!  I've been a FlyBaby off and on for years now.  She is the ultimate in helping to create ODRER in your home and life.  Begin eliminating the CHAOS in your life @
  4.  Cindy Rushton - TOTAL CLARITY!  This homeschooling wife and mother is IT!  She not only delivers her wisdom to homeschool moms, but she deals with every area in your life.  Her entire family is an inspiration to so many Christian families.  When I think of Cindy, I think NO LIMITS!  She does it all.  Her podcasts are packed with wisdom and inspiration.  Check her out @  From there you will be able to see ALL the other websites she has.

Tuesday, January 1, 2008



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