Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Assessment Results

Last year I asked four of my closest friends to do an honest appraisal of me.  That in itself was daring enough.  I love my girls dearly, but you never know how others see you.  After receiving their assessments it was amazing how for the most part they all paralleled each other.  Of course the most in depth response was from my girl Timmika with a listing of at least 20 attributes.  LOL!    Here's a list of the comprised results which were surprisingly analogous.  All in all, I believe it sums up who Nikky is - PERIOD.

  1. Spiritual, God Warrior
  2. Good mother, Family
  3. Creative
  4. Caring, Loving
  5. Giving, Big Heart, Self-less
  6. Friend, Sister, Counselor
  7. Listener
  8. Strong, Resilient, Endurance
  9. Informed & Informative, Wisdom, Teacher
  10. Avid reader, Books! Books Books!
  11. Calm, Peaceful, Quiet, Shy
  12. Smile, Infectious laugh, Funny
  13. Honest, Straight-forward
I thought you all (especially the Fab Four) would like to know what became of that little request.  I love ya'll!  Where would I be and who would I be if I did not have you girls in my life.   Thank you Keisha, Omeshia, Shanea, and Timmika (ya'll know I had to do the alpha order thing).  I love you all equally though you each play a different role in my life.  Thank you Lord for faithful friends.



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